
1-4 Years Old
Theatral Group
La Baracca - Testoni Ragazzi
Andrea Buzzetti, Carlotta Zini e Valeria Frabetti
Valeria Frabetti
Andrea Buzzetti
Dates Shows

Scheda Completa

When I was a baby, a little baby, I never wanted to go to sleep with the light on…
I closed my eyes and waited for the lights of my dreams to switch on.
The show developed from an “experiment” carried out in the crèches, where we could observe the children’s relationship with light and darkness. On stage there is an actor but the real protagonist is the light.
Music and movements create a dance by following the rhythms of the switches. The light can be everything. Lamps, bulbs and cables become a flower, a spoon, a dancer, a candle, a carrousel…
They become a mother, a father or a child. On-off is a tribute to the children’s amazement at the behaviour of light and to their interest towards controlling it and its intensity through the use of switches.
It is a game and a way to help them not be afraid of the darkness.

Duration: 35′


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Date di rappresentazione

    Spettacolo già rappresentato presso

    • Sala Centofiori, via Gorki 16, Bologna (2024)
    • Teatro del Baraccano, Via del Baraccano 2, Bologna (2023)
    • Scuola Infanzia Santa Croce e Nido Piccolo Principe, Verona (VR), Italia (2023)
    • Scuola Infanzia e Nido Pestrino, Verona (VR), Italia (2023)
    • Spazio Teatro 89, Milano - Italia (2023)
    • Teatro del Baraccano, Via del Baraccano 2, Bologna (2022)
    • LAC Sala 4, Lugano - Svizzera (2022)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2022)
    • Kulturhaus Niederanven, Niederanven - Lussemburgo (2021)
    • LAC Sala 4, Lugano - Svizzera (2021)
    • CAPE – Centre des Arts Pluriels Ettelbruck, Ettelbruck - Lussemburgo (2021)
    • Spazio Teatro 89, Milano - Italia (2021)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2020)
    • Stadttheater Herford, Herford - Germania (2020)
    • Kultur-und Veranstaltungsbetrieb Velbert, Vorburg Schloß Hardenberg Westflügel, Velbert - Germania (2020)
    • Theater in der Meerwiese, Münster - Germania (2020)
    • STADT WUPPERTAL - Haus der Jugend Barmen, Wuppertal - Germania (2020)
    • KulturStadtLev FORUM - Studio, Leverkusen - Germania (2020)
    • Theater Güetersloh - Studiobuhne, Gütersloh - Germania (2020)
    • Teatro Cavallerizza, Reggio nell'Emilia - Italia (2019)
    • Auditorium, Poggio Rusco (MN) - Italia (2019)
    • Kina Festival, Camp Kigali - KCEV, Kigali - Ruanda (2019)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2019)
    • Evangelische Paul-Gerhardt Gemeinde, Francoforte, Germania (2018)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2018)
    • Rotondes, Lussemburgo - Lussemburgo (2018)
    • Teatro al Parco Parco Ducale Parma (PR) - Italia (2018)
    • Festival Starke Stucke, Theaterhaus, Francoforte - Germania (2018)
    • Internationale Puppentheatertage Mistelbach festival, Mistelbach - Austria (2017)
    • KinderKinder Internationales Musik und Theater-Festival, Amburgo - Germania (2017)
    • Teatro Comunale Luigi Russolo, Portogruaro (VE) - Italia (2017)
    • Spazio Teatro 89, Milano - Italia (2017)
    • ANFÄNGE(R) Festival, Münchner Stadtmuseum, Monaco di Baviera - Germania (2017)
    • Auditorium Biblioteca Civica, Vimercate (MB) - Italia (2017)
    • Festival Pépites, l'Art et les tout-petits - Théâtre de l’Ancre, Charleroi - Belgio (2016)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2016)
    • Festival International l'Art et les tout-petits, Théâtre La montagne magique, Bruxelles - Belgio (2016)
    • Internationales Weiser Figuren Theater Festival - Wels (Austria) (2015)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2015)
    • BIM BAM - Internationale Theater wochen fuer Klein- und Kleinstkinder - Austria (2015)
    • Aula didattica Marcello Mirko Sighinolfi, Nonantola (MO) - Italia (2015)
    • Take Part in Art Festival, Varsavia - Polonia (2015)
    • Biblioteca Civica Ragazzi, Cuneo - Italia (2014)
    • Centro Culturale Santa Chiara, Trento - Italia (2014)
    • Spazio Teatro 89, Milano - Italia (2014)
    • Teatro Asioli, Correggio (RE) - Italia (2013)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2013)
    • Naj, naj, naj festival, Žar Ptica City Theatre, Zagabria - Croazia (2013)
    • Sala Escena Miriñaque (Festival Baby Planet), Santander-Spagna (2013)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2012)
    • Divadelní pouť bez bariér, Ostrava - Repubblica Ceca (2012)
    • Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2012)
    • Taipei Children's Arts Festival, Taipei - Taiwan (2012)
    • Hall in Tirol - Austria (2012)
    • Newry - Irlanda del Nord (2011)
    • International puppets Theatres Festival Meetings, Torun - Polonia (2011)
    • Glòr Auditorium, Ennis - Irlanda (2011)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2011)
    • Teatrium na Serpuhovke, Mosca - Russia (2011)
    • Baborò Festival, Galway - Irlanda (2011)