Artistic notes
Speak to me, Earth; speak to me, Sun.
Are you lost? Will you ever return?
I no longer hear what you say!
You, grass, speak to me! You, rock, speak to me!
Where is your meaning, Earth? Where shall I find you?
Where is the tie that bound you to the Sun?
Pier Paolo Pasolini, “Medea”
The project stems from an image that came in a dream, and a dream – Gaia’s dream – is, on some level, the central theme of the show. The mother of all mothers, Mother Earth, wakes Gaia up and she finds herself in a non-place, on top of a chest of drawers. From the moment Mother Earth starts to speak to Gaia, she will follow her through an adventurous journey. Through the mysterious chest of drawers – a “magic portal” to other worlds -, Gaia will explore the various environments created by the elements.
Duration: 45’
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