Artistic notes
Gustavo and Gioacchino are two nice and curious characters who live in a dump. Gustavo builds special machines, incredible engines, and dreams of constructing a drill that will take him down to China. Gioacchino dreams of flying with the only help of the wind, without an engine: he tells his friend that even the caterpillar, when he develops into a butterfly, can fly. Fly!
As a matter of fact, everything can fly: rubbish bags, sheets of papers, feathers, little balls, bins…. anything the two characters have in their hands can fly. Maybe one day they will also fly! This is how Gioacchino will drag Gustavo to discover the strength of the wind, while Gustavo will teach him the power of the mechanics. Together, with the help of imagination and desire, they will build flying machine. But who knows if they will ever be able to fly up. Nobody has ever seen them. The performance is dedicated to Gustav Mesmer, the Icarus from Lautertal. Mesmer tried to realize, with his bike, his dream of flying. Once, he said he was able to fly up to 50 meters above the ground, but no one saw him.
Duration: 55′
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